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YipitData analyzes billions of data points every day to provide accurate, granular insights on public companies in the disruptive economy.


Our Newest Coverage

  • MedTech

    YipitData’s new, exclusive Medtech feed and research products provide the earliest, most accurate read on the KPIs of 40+ Medtech tickers. With YipitData, Medtech investors are the first to know about key inflections.

  • Consumer

    We provide consumer investors a dashboard for a streamlined view into the performance of over +70,000 brands and 500 tickers, packaged by category to provide a holistic view across your coverage universe.

Find out more about, The Medtech Granular Source Feed.

Unparalleled Depth of Coverage

  • Actionable Insights

    Accurate research offering including deep-dives, sector thematic pieces, ongoing tracking of company metrics, coverage of long-term strategic initiatives, one-time events, and more

  • Proprietary Data & KPIs

    We use our compliance first approach to translate anonymized and disparate datasets into clean, accurate, and practical outputs that can be aggregated and easily consumed for modeling and analysis

  • On-Demand Insights Team

    Leverage our analyst team and expertise to fulfill deep-dives and custom analyses to answer your specific questions while providing transparency into methodologies and analytical methods

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