YipitData’s First MedTech Offerings

Power your decisions with daily insights from 40+ MedTech companies.


Actionable Data Within 2 Weeks of Month End

In an industry reliant on lagged monthly data, our Medtech offerings provide fully settled and finalized estimates within 2 weeks of month end. Similar to the way credit card data reshaped the retail and restaurant industries, our offering will allow investors to have an item level view of company performance for 40+ MedTech companies.

Introducing MedTech Research

View this On-Demand Webcast for a deep-dive into our new MedTech Research coverage.

MedTech Granular Source Feed

  • Daily data delivery allowing for intra-month inflection tracking

  • 50% of panel/data captured near real-time; 100% full month within 14 days

  • Forecast KPIs with ~2% margin of error

  • 40+ MedTech Companies mapped

MedTech Research Reports

  • Complete and final monthly KPI estimates within 2 weeks of month end

  • Insights into underlying drivers of growth with product level performance estimates

  • Market share dynamics within specific MedTech segments

  • US Topline Insights across 11+ MedTech Tickers - ABT, ATRC, BSX, EW, ISRG, MMSI, NARI, PEN, JNJ, SYK, ZBH

Tickers we currently cover

Explore an Example of our Research Offering

ShockWave (SWAV)

We are able to track SWAV US Coronary and Peripheral Revenue to help investors understand segment-level performance. In addition, we can dive into product-level details (e.g. C2+, M5+) to speak to more granular trends.

More offerings coming soon…

10+ research products are set to launch by the end of 2024. Let us know what companies you’re interested in here.

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