Corporate Travel Views
Overview Statement: Understand the Travel industry with metrics on pricing, reservations volume, room-nights, market share, and user-level activity & behavior, for Hotels, Alternate Accommodations, Flights, Rental Cars, and Travel Experiences
How are room-nights trending amongst competitors?
YipitData enables you to to compare room-nights between specific brands, the full market, or any specific competitive subset
Receive merchant-level data on:
Dates of stay
Date of booking
City/State/Country of stay
How loyal are users to my platform, and how does behavior shift as traveler cohorts change?
YipitData enables you to cohort your analysis around specific sets of users, such as those who previously stayed with your brand. This enables you to understand who your biggest competitors are amongst your most loyal users
Reservations data with user-level detail reveals unique insights on the behavior of subsets of users, allowing you to understand where else your top customers are booking
Do users book different types of trips on competitors' platforms?
Get behavioral insights on users when they make their reservation, like booked-to-stay windows
Receive additional data points such as:
Length of stay per platform