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Online Grocery Trends: A Shift to Pickup Ordering?
As consumers continue to be price-conscious when doing their grocery shopping, Instacart, the largest 3P delivery channel in the Grocery space, has increasingly leaned into Pickup as a growth driver, as it allows customers to save on delivery fees. Pickup sales growth on Instacart has consistently outpaced Delivery growth over the past year.
3 Trends Revolutionizing Retail
Home retail sales exploded in 2020 and 2021 with consumers spending more time living and working from home. However, the retail landscape that we are in now looks and feels a lot different than what it was 3 years ago. Here’s the top 3 trends in retail today.
The Impact of Small Businesses on Third Party Food Delivery
Small and medium sized businesses – classified as restaurants that did not rank in the top 400 by total order volume – made up 44% of the total third party market share in October 2022.
Why Pizza Hut needed third party delivery to stay competitive
The biggest players in the US pizza industry have invested in new third-party (3P) delivery partnerships in order to compete on digital and attract new customers.
Casual dining decelerates amid inflation
Casual dining has faced inflationary headwinds in 2022 and, in turn, has struggled.
Inflation’s impact on the food and restaurant industries
As inflation hikes up the prices of raw food ingredients for restaurants, eating out is getting more expensive for consumers.
Third-Party Food Delivery: 2Q22 Update
Halfway through 2022, YipitData is once again looking at the market dynamics in the third-party delivery space. DoorDash continues to be the primary leader in the third-party delivery space, and has continued to grow through 2Q22. Smaller cities such as Memphis and Sacramento have experienced massive growth in total third-party sales in 2Q22.
The Rise and Fall of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza
While Taco Bell drove a short-term increase in orders by re-releasing its Mexican Pizza, long-term sales dropped as the retailer ran out of ingredients. YipitData’s latest blog post explores the rise and fall of the Mexican Pizza.
Is There Really Such a Thing as Free Lunch?
On Tuesday, May 17th, Grubhub ran a promotion promising customers in the New York City area a “free lunch”. While Grubhub managed to win over the lunch crowd for the day, was their promotional strategy really successful at creating a long lasting impact on consumer behavior?
Taco Bell’s Customer Acquisition Tactics
Over the past couple years, Taco Bell has aggressively invested in their digital presence. In 2020, the brand launched its new “Taco Bell Rewards” loyalty program promising “all the perks” and allowing users to earn 250 points for every $25 spent in their app.
3 Takeaways From Shifting Dynamics in Third-Party Delivery Platforms
In the modern world, consumers know what they want and when they want it. As consumers quickly become more comfortable with ordering food on third-party (3P) delivery platforms, what players are gaining the most traction and how?